Pleiotropic Effects
Tycum enhances skeletal muscle strength and physical performance, reduces PTH levels, prevents fractures, and maintains serum 25(OH) D. It is also effective in managing blood pressure and other chronic medical conditions.

Keep VDD away
from the family
VITAMIN D3 deprivation has made the generation of today vulnerable to multiple complications.

- Enhances skeletal muscle strength & physical performance despite no change in muscle energy parameters (1)
- Reduces PTH levels & corrects Vit. D insufficiency/deficiency (2)
- Prevent fractures without adverse effects in men & women (3)
- Maintain serum 25(OH) D & prevent VDD in CKD (4)
- Reduces BP & useful in arterial hypertension & other chronic medical diseases (5)
1. Clin Endocrine (Oxf).2010 Oct; 73(4):445-51 | 2. Minerva Urol Nefrol.2011 Dec; 63(4):287-92 | 3. BMJ2003; 326:469 | 4. Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 2012 Sep; 96(3):672-9 | 5. Expert Rev Cardiovasc Ther. 2010 Nov; 8(11):1599-608
"Vitamin D Deficiency not only affected bone system
but also poses many chronic medical diseases"
- Improved muscle strength & performance
- Reduces PTH & prevents fractures
- Manages BP & medical conditions