Tough Treatment for
Bacterial Infections

Cefixime is equally potent to ceftriaxone and is a safe and highly effective treatment for typhoid fever and MDR typhoid. Ofloxacin, on the other hand, is a simple, safe, and effective medication that can clear a fever in 3.4 days. It also has a high concentration in the gall bladder and bile, making it a suitable treatment option for infections in those organs.
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Cefixime 200mg + Ofloxacin 200mg

Offers Dual Strike Power of
Cefixime & Ofloxacin

Cefixime is as potent as ceftriaxone, safe for MDR typhoid, and highly effective for typhoid fever. Ofloxacin is simple, safe, and effective, clears fever in 3.4 days, and has a high concentration in the gall bladder and bile.
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1. Pediatr Infect Dis J 1994 Nov; 13(11): 990-4 | 2. J Trop Pediatr 1995 Dec; 41(6): 364-5 | 3. J Infect Chemother 1999 Sept; 5(3): 176-179 | 4. Antimicrob Agents Chemother 1996 Apr; 40(4): 958-61 | 5. Southeast Asian J Trop Med Public Health Vol 37 Nov 1 Jan 2006


Dual Power to combat
bacterial resistance

The Indications


Typhoid Fever

Nosocomial Infection

Pyrexia of Unknown Origin