Relief - Safely

FDA-approved for GERD treatment. Heals severe erosive Esophagitis and reduces rebleeding effectively in bleeding peptic ulcer. Useful for treating hypersecretory conditions associated with neoplasia like ZES.

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Pantoprazole 40 mg

Effective relief with
short-course treatment

From healing severe erosive esophagitis to reducing rebleeding in peptic ulcers, and treating pathological hypersecretory conditions associated with neoplasia, FDA-labeled short-course treatment of GERD is a versatile alternative to oral therapy that offers effective relief for a range of gastrointestinal conditions.
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1. American Product Monograph Rev 09/05  |  2. Dig Dis Sci 2008 June; 53(6): 1500-5  |  3. Digestion 2008;78(1):39-43


In Erosive Esophagitis, Peptic ulcer, Post operative
Suppression of acid

The Indications

Gastric ulcer

Erosive Esophagitis in GERD

Duodenal Ulcer

Eradication of H. Pylori Infection​